
Tree of Life

Lifeweaver’s ultimate ability, Tree of Life, has come in pretty handy for me during some hectic team fights. Compared to other defense-based ultimates like Lucio’s Sound Barrier or Zenyatta’s Transcendence, Tree of Life isn’t going to single handedly keep your team alive in the face of an onslaught of damage. Still, it does have its own uses as a burst of healing and a buildable obstacle.


Lifeweaver builds a healing tree wherever you place the ult. Upon cast, teammates within its range get a high burst of healing, followed by eight smaller healing pulses before it disappears. This is the only way Lifeweaver is able to heal multiple teammates at a time, as his primary fire can only target one character. The healing’s respectable, but Tree of Life also acts as cover. Think of it like a Mei wall, which acts as a temporary shield from enemy fire and can stop enemies in their tracks. If you felt so compelled, you could drop the Tree of Life in front of your enemy’s spawn, and they’d be stuck there until they ran to a different exit. Tree of Life can at least temporarily hold enemy forces at bay, but it can be destroyed if enemies attack it, or if Sombra casts her EMP. It is, however, immune to her standard hacking ability.

While protection from general fire is one thing, Tree of Life can also be used as protection from some powerful ultimates if timed correctly. I had one match in which a threw her Self-Destruct into my team’s backline, and our tank wasn’t there to put up a shield. Instead, I was able to drop Tree of Life in front of the explosion, saving myself and my teammates from the attack and getting a burst of healing that gave us a second wind before we headed back into the fight.

Lifeweaver is seen floating in front of the Tree of Life.
Image: Blizzard Entertainment

So is Lifeweaver any good?

While I was excited when Blizzard first revealed Lifeweaver because I was compelled by his story and playstyle, he feels a lot more situational than other support characters. Plays like the Cassidy one I mentioned are only possible with a fair amount of coordination, which makes him less ideal for solo queuing or for characters who don’t pair well with his kit. His healing output is, frankly, pretty poor, and the fact that it only targets one teammate at a time means he’s just not built to be a main healer, though low-skill players will no doubt use him that way anyway. I expect he’ll thrive more in high-level play, but it doesn’t feel like the numbers are quite there to keep up with, much less outpace other support heroes’ healing.


Life Grip is easily his standout move, but even it is prone to trolling or just simple accidents like a teammate walking into your line of sight while you’re intending to use it on a different player further into the enemy team’s backline. I’ve had that happen a few times when I wanted to pull a Tank to safety, only for our Mercy to fly in to try and save them and get pulled back instead. A lot of Lifeweaver’s abilities rely not on aim but on the game’s lock-on system. This can be finicky, because it’s largely determined by what’s closest to your reticle, and someone can get in the way in a split second and throw off your play.

In short, I think Lifeweaver is a character who takes a lot of time to master, but has a lot of potential if you’re willing to put in the work. For everyone else, there are characters who do a lot of what he does better, if maybe not as stylishly. Moira has more healing, and Baptiste has more all-encompassing defensive abilities. I’m curious to see what tweaks Blizzard brings to the new hero in the future, because despite my reservations, I’m a big fan of Lifeweaver conceptually. I want to see him succeed, and hopefully the more time the community spends with him, the more apparent his worth will become.