
Later in November, Tumblr users began sharing videos of Maxwell spinning to different songs and this quickly became the hot new trend. You can find countless videos across YouTube and Twitter featuring Maxwell spinning to classic video game songs, “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd, “Funkytown,” and many more. Many of these videos would get millions of views. People really liked that spinning cat!

10 Hour Movies

In late 2022 and early 2023, Maxwell started showing up in mobile games, like Maxwell Forever-Cat Game on iOS and Drifting With Maxwell The Cat: The Game.


That brings us to today, where you can still find people uploading videos and shitposts starring the internet’s favorite spinning cat, like this animation created in Minecraft and posted on Reddit a few weeks ago. (It was later shared on shared on Twitter by Shockbyte, getting 40k views.)

Maxwell’s real name is Jess

Sadly, Maxwell the spinning cat’s story takes a decidedly unfun turn at this point. Sorry about that. It turns out Maxwell’s real name was Jess. According to an Imgur post from cat owner Voidhawk in January 2020—years before they became a meme phenomenon among gamers and modders alike—a visit to the vet revealed that Jess had a blocked intestine. Voidhawk didn’t know what to do.


“I am just totally devastated. Sitting here crying,” Voidhawk posted on Imgur. “She’s only nine years old. My fiance got her just after a suicide attempt, and she’s been the rock of her mental health ever since. I have no idea what to tell her when she gets home from work.”

As far as I can tell, that’s the last confirmed status update on Jess, aka Maxwell, available at this time. While rumors have popped up that the cat lived or died, Kotaku wasn’t able to confirm either way, and has reached out to Voidhawk.


However, regardless of if Jess is still with us in 2023, it doesn’t change how much joy and happiness this one cat has brought thousands of people online. If Jess didn’t make it, at least she will be remembered for years to come as that cool spinning cat everyone loved and made memes about.

Update 2/22/2023 1:55 p.m.: Jess aka Maxwell’s owner, Voidhawk, has sadly shared the news with Kotaku that the famous cat passed away in early 2020.


“She was a lovely girl, but alas what we thought was an intestinal issue at first turned out to be cancer,” explained Voidhawk. “She passed away shortly afterward. We miss her dearly, but we remember her ‘take no crap’ attitude fondly—when I first met my wife, I knew that impressing her parents mattered much less than impressing Jess!”

Voidhawk also explained that, despite being online “24/7” they didn’t know that Jess had become a meme in games and on YouTube. They said it was “charming” to hear that her model lived on across the internet. They also had one final and weird little nugget of info to share with Kotaku:


“Slightly weirder is I previously had a completely different cat when I was a child named Max! Odd coincidences!”